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We are here to help educate you on options, advocate for your needs, and partner with you and your family as you continue to forge your own path to thriving. 

Below is a sample of what is possible with Path Forward Facilitation.



Personalized Support Services

Did your loved one just receive a diagnosis and you don't know what to do next? Having a hard time deciding what the best next steps are in education, emotional support, therapeutic services?


We have Path Finders that are specialized childhood support advisors. We know figuring out how to best help your child can feel daunting. We can help organize and map out your options for next steps, and help curate services and providers that are tailored to your specific journey. 


As part of our holistic approach towards navigating the journey for your family, we can also offer Parent Caregiver Support. 



Personalized Child Support

Through a mindfulness informed lens, we have tools to help prevent caregiver burnout, guidance, and a safe space to share emotions and experiences that come with this journey. 



Regional Center Advocacy


Ready to take the next step with your local Regional Center?


We can help you advocate and maximize your services and support at Regional Center including generic resources. We can also help you seamlessly onboard with your local Regional Center.​

We are your partners so you can begin to dream BIG about an entirely new way to receive support as a regional center participant. We teach families about entitlements and what this new service delivery option has to offer.



Person-Centered Planning

Person-Centered Planning is a celebration of an individual and the foundation of the Self-Determination Program process.
It serves as a “road map” for individuals
and families to set goals and track progress. It also helps secure funding through the California Regional Center’s Self-Determination Program. 

Person-Centered Planning

Person-Centered Planning helps the person construct and articulate a vision for the future, consider various paths, engage in decision-making and problem solving, monitor progress, and make needed adjustments in a timely manner.



Independent Facilitation &
Self-Determination Transition Support

Path Forward will help usher you step-by-step into the Self-Determination Program (SDP). 

We approach our clients and the Regional Centers with a "we will learn together" mindset, in a humble and collaborative fashion while delivering life-changing, functional benefits to our clients. Our unwavering commitment is to help YOU navigate and plot the course of your journey.


This program is so progressive that it's difficult for clients and families to understand what IS possible and how flexible the new service options are. We help families through the process, so that they can begin to dream BIG about an entirely new way to provide support to their loved ones.


We help families transition to the SDP in a very organized fashion. We teach families about entitlements and what this new service delivery option has to offer. Once a family is in the SDP, we can consult monthly, or as needed, to ensure that clients are on track with their budgets, changes in spending plans, tracking goals in their person-centered plans, and addressing staffing/resources concerns. We also make sure that every client is informed about the new directives from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to make sure we are up-to-date on any new rules and regulations. When it comes time for the client's annual review, we help assess their current situation and any changes that are foreseen in the next year's plan.

Path Forward seeks to help dispell the myths about the SDP and services in traditional system and to help make these services more readily understood and available to everyone.



Long-Term Planning & Support

Everyone deserves to have a life they are happy to be living and access to supports and life enrichments that create joy and fulfillment in their lives. We enable opportunities for all and access to supports and life enrichments that create more freedom and control over the way you get to access the world around you.

We can help secure funding through the Regional Center’s Self Determination Program and we can also help you manage that program on-going. Once a family is in the SDP, we can consult monthly, or as needed, to help track their budgets, make changes to spending plans, assist with the FMS, track goals in their Person-Centered Plan, as well as addressing staffing and resources concerns.

Long-term Planning

Explore a Partnership with Path Forward

We educate and empower individuals and families to make well-informed choices about education, healthcare, employment, housing, and other critical aspects of life.

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