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About Path Forward Facilitation


We  believe in helping individuals and families carefully curate their circles, services and supports


At Path Forward Facilitation, our mission is to inform, educate and empower individuals and familes living with diverse abilities to chart a course forward that allows them to dream about entirely new methods and circles of support for themselves or their loved ones.

By utilizing a person-centered and holistic approach to help find the programs and resources that best fit your unique journey. We aim to be catalysts for positive transformation in your life and the disability world; helping forge a path towards a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone.



Why I started Path Forward Facilitation

It's difficult to explain the journey of raising a child with developmental differences. We are continuously fighting for much-needed services and programs to help our loved ones live their best lives. Frequently, we ask and are told "no." The emotional toll is enormous - we feel powerless and defeated. Families and clients can finally feel empowered and thrive, because they get to access services that were previously not offered or denied.


As the name of my practice implies, I would like for my clients to see the road as continually moving forward and there is light at the end of it all. 


I want to

help empower

individuals & families

to live by choice…

not by chance.  



The emotional heart of our practice is to expand individuals and families' ideas about Self-determination.

It’s not just a Regional Center service delivery model but also a lifestyle and mindset of living a Self-Determined life with freedom of choice and power. 


We educate and empower individuals and families to make well-informed choices about education, healthcare, employment, housing, and other critical aspects of life.

Through the Self-Determination Program we look at each individual in a different way.


  • To assist the focus person in gaining control over their own life.

  • To increase opportunities for participation in the community.

  • To recognize individual desires, interests, and dreams.

  • Through team effort, develop a plan to turn dreams into reality.


Why Path Forward Facilitation

Path Forward is a team of trained Independent Facilitators, Person-Centered Planners and Advocates who are experts at navigating Regional Center services and the Self-Determination Program. We are committed to helping you find what best suits your individual needs, and maximizes your potential. 


Independent Facilitators and Advocates are neutral professionals who can provide objective guidance without any conflicts of interest. Their primary focus is on the well-being and interests of the individual and family. Similarly, Regional Center Self-Determination Programs are designed to prioritize freedom and the person's choices and preferences. This ensures that the decisions made are based on what is truly best for the individual.


Disabilities represe a spectrum, meaning that each individual's needs, preferences, and goals can vary significantly. Path Forward can tailor support to match the unique needs and aspirations of the individual. This personalized approach can lead to more meaningful outcomes and a higher quality of life.


Our goal is to empower individuals with diverse abilities to take an active role in the decision-making for their own lives. This empowerment fosters a sense of autonomy, self-confidence, and self-advocacy, enabling them to express their desires and shape their own future.


As trained Independent Facilitators and Advocates we have expertise in navigating systems, services, and resources available to individuals with disabilities. Our knowledge can help individuals and families make well-informed choices about education, healthcare, employment, housing, and other critical aspects of life. This can lead to better outcomes and increased independence.


We act as advocates for individuals with different abilities, ensuring that their rights are respected and that they have access to the necessary support and services. We can help you navigate complex systems, address challenges, and ensure that the individual's voice is heard and respected.


Individuals and their families often need to plan for the long-term, considering factors such as housing, financial stability, and transitioning to adulthood. We can assist in developing comprehensive plans that address these future needs and goals.


We facilitate communication and collaboration among various stakeholders, including family members, caregivers, educators, and service providers. By involving all relevant parties, decisions can be more holistic and effective, taking into account multiple perspectives.


Accessing services, funding, and support systems can be complex and overwhelming. W are skilled at navigating bureaucratic processes and paperwork, which can save individuals and families time, stress, and frustration.

We are your partners and provide specialized support, and advocacy to help ensure that the decisions made are person-centered, holistic, and aligned with the individual's unique strengths and aspirations.

Path Forward Facilitation
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